Yasemin Kenaroğlu, LL.M

Kurucu Ortak

Avukat (İstanbul Barosu, 2003)

Marka Vekili (Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, 2005)

Patent Vekili (Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, 2005)


Yasemin Kenaroğlu, LL.M

Kurucu Ortak

Avukat (İstanbul Barosu, 2003)

Marka Vekili (Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, 2005)

Patent Vekili (Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, 2005)


İstanbul Barosu nezdinde avukat ve Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu bünyesinde marka ve patent vekili olarak kayıtlıdır.

2003 yılından bu yana fikri ve sınai haklar alanında çalışmakta olup marka, patent, tasarım, alan adları, telif hakları ve haksız rekabet konularında, ağırlıklı olarak moda, tekstil, otomotiv, kozmetik, perakende, elektronik, telekomünikasyon, medya, gıda ve ilaç sektörlerinden şirketleri temsil etmektedir.

Yönettiği başlıca idari ve adli süreçler arasında;

Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu ve Dünya Fikri Mülkiyet Örgütü (WIPO) nezdindeki idari işlem ve süreçlerin yürütülmesi ve yönetimi,  

Fikri Sınai Haklar Hukuk ve Ceza Mahkemeleri, Bölge Adliye Mahkemeleri ve Yargıtay nezdinde, fikri ve sınai hakların ihlali ve haksız rekabet ihtilaflarına ilişkin davaların takibi,

Fikri ve sınai hak ihlallerinin tespiti için yapılan piyasa araştırmalarının, arama ve el koyma süreçlerinin ve bağlantılı gümrük işlemlerinin yönetimi, 

Müvekkil şirketlerin yargılama süreci öncesi ve sırasındaki sulh müzakerelerinde temsili,

Yerli ve yabancı firmalara, Avrupa, Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika, Kuzey ve Güney Amerika ve Uzak Doğu ülkelerinde fikri mülkiyet haklarının korunması ve yönetimi konusunda danışmanlık verilmesi, yer almaktadır.

The Legal 500, WTR 1000, IAM 1000,  Managing IP ve Chambers & Partners, Top 250 Women in IP ve WTR Global Leaders gibi pek çok bağımsız kuruluş tarafından Fikri Mülkiyet alanında avukat ve marka vekili olarak önerilmektedir.

Managing IP ile yapılan röportaja buradan erişebilirsiniz.

WTR Global Leaders ile yapılan röportaja buradan erişebilirsiniz.

The Legal 500 ile yapılan röportaja buradan erişebilirsiniz.

"Founding partner Yasemin Kenaroğlu spearheads the department: “Yasemin is appreciated for her effective strategies and profound understanding of patent law. With great foresight and a proactive approach, she anticipates and handles possible counter-party initiatives in advance." IAM 1000 / 2024

"Yasemin Kenaroğlu is one the very best litigators in soft IP in Turkey. She’s the go-to lawyer for complex and high-profile trade mark and unfair competition litigation. She is outstanding and has a very high success rate." LEGAL 500 / 2024

"Yasemin Kenaroğlu advises clients on trade mark prosecution, opposition and enforcement as well as anti-counterfeiting mandates. "Yasemin Kenaroğlu has a very proactive attitude and there is a high level of detail in her work without losing efficiency." "Yasemin is an excellent professional who is skilled, prepared and precise." CHAMBERS & PARTNERS / 2024

“Yasemin Kenaroğlu is absolutely excellent at what she does. She should be everyone’s go-to for all brand management work in Turkey. She has useful insight into all the peculiarities of the trademark process, to ensure effective registration.” WTR 1000 / 2024

“Group founder Yasemin Kenaroğlu provides “reliable legal advice with a responsive and detail-oriented approach. She has established herself as an inspirational figure in the Turkish market by leveraging her vast experience and drive for easy collaboration”, and is often sought out by leading domestic and foreign patrons.” IAM 1000 / 2023 

"Very experienced, especially in working for international clients, fully dedicated and always up to date. With its big team, led by Yasemin Kenaroglu, it is a top address in Turkey.' ‘Yasemin Kenaroglu is a high profile TM expert, very responsive and experienced; excellent in litigation and enforcement." "Very responsive and succinct whilst very hands-on advice." "High degree of professionality, responsiveness, transparency and experience." "Yasemin Kenaroglu is certainly the most reliable attorney I ever worked with in Turkey. The quality of her work is excellent. She is very efficient but still pays attention to details. She is an adroit negotiator who manage to achieve a good result under the most difficult conditions. She knows the ins and outs of the Turkish legal system."  LEGAL 500 / 2023

"Yasemin Kenaroğlu is a pleasure to work with, offering fast responses and excellent strategic advice." "She sorts out the situations and identifies all the issues. She has all hands on deck and she does a fabulous job." CHAMBERS & PARTNERS / 2023 

“At the forefront is Yasemin Kenaroğlu: an incredibly talented and hardworking practitioner who is proactive and an inspiration to the IP community. She is as smart as a tack and maintains close relationships with her clients to fully protect their interests. Yasemin's work is truly outstanding in all respects – she takes a hands-on approach to negotiations and provides clear, practical, succinct and solutions-oriented advice, with very quick turn-around times." WTR 1000 / 2023

“Epitomising all these traits and more is Yasemin Kenaroğlu, who keeps calm and collected in even the most complex disputes. The firm founder never gives less than 100% and receives effusive praise from peers, patrons and associates the world over. "Litigation is certainly her strong suit", enthuses one interviewee. "In order to successfully assert your rights in Turkey, you need an experienced lawyer that is not afraid to act – Yasemin is that lawyer. Put simply, she is one of the best attorneys in thecountry.” IAM 1000 / 2022

“Kenaroglu Avukatlik Burosu is the specialist IP counsel to a host of local and international companies across a wide spectrum of sectors, managing portfolios and enforcing and defending trade marks, patents and copyright. Yasemin Kenaroglu, described by clients as ‘a strong ally when fighting trade mark battles in Turkey'.” LEGAL 500 / 2022

“Yasemin Kenaroğlu moves up the rankings following a raft of praise from market sources. She is well placed to advise on trade mark prosecution and enforcement as well as anti-counterfeiting mandates. Impressed clients say: "Her response is always fast and on point. She knows how to conclude matters in the most efficient way.” CHAMBERS & PARTNERS / 2021

“Specialist firm Kenaroglu Avukatlik Burosu acts for global major brands and companies on advisory and contentious intellectual property matters. The team, led by experienced IP specialist Yasemin Kenaroglu, manages trade mark portfolios, assists with patent and trade mark registration, represents in litigation, and handles disputes relating to enforcement and unfair competition.” LEGAL 500 / 2021

“An inspiration to others around her”, founder Yasemin Kenaroğlu continuously finds new ways to innovate and go the extra mile for clients: “A go-to for trademark instructions, Yasemin is a fantastic and intelligent attorney with a friendly and clear communication style. She demonstrates her thorough legal knowledge by providing alternative solutions to complex problems and by being proactive and resolute in negotiations as well as conflict management. Her personalised approach and in-depth understanding of each case make her stand out in the fast-paced world of intellectual property.” WTR 1000 / 2021

“The ‘very professional, fast and responsive' Yasemin Kenaroglu heads the team, which is ‘extremely competent and provides practical solutions to complicated cases.” LEGAL 500 / 2020

“Founder and versatile practitioner Yasemin Kenaroğlu consistently showcases these traits on even the most daunting of mandates. "Heated disputes are one of her strong suits - she is highly experienced and remains calm when the going gets tough. Her advice is clear and timely, and the service she provides is of the highest possible standard." IAM 1000 / 2020

“Yasemin Kenaroğlu, the founding partner, stands out as an "extremely responsive and skilled lawyer who provides clear and concise advice at all times. She is extremely reliable and precise and handles all requests with the utmost professionalism." IAM 1000 / 2019

“Yasemin Kenaroğlu leaves foreign associates "in awe of her trademark savvy, she is a fantastic and intelligent IP lawyer with a super-friendly approach." The firm founder also shares her wisdom on the non-contentious front and puts in place cast-iron protection schemes.” WTR 1000 / 2019

“Founding partner Yasemin Kenaroğlu continues to build on her fantastic reputation. One patron describes her as "absolutely excellent, she studies each case in detail and finds creative ways of solving problems, bearing in mind the particularities of your brand and your commercial needs. Her team is very easy to work with too." WTR 1000 / 2018

“Clients describe Yasemin Kenaroglu as "a very precise expert in all IP Turkey matters who gives a personalised attention as well as excellent professional care." One says: "She is always available to discuss any matter on the phone and she bears in mind our company philosophy when giving an advice on a file, trying always to provide us with the best solution in view of the Turkish legal practice and our interests.” MIP – IP STARS / 2017


Marmara Üniversitesi, Hukuk Fakültesi, Lisans
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Ekonomi Hukuku, Yüksek Lisans

Çalışma Alanları

Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku

  • Hukuk ve Ceza Davaları
  • Taklitle ve Korsanla Mücadele
  • Marka ve Patent Vekillik Hizmetleri
  • Piyasa Araştırmaları
  • Danışmanlık Hizmetleri


Türkiye Marka ve Patent Vekilleri Derneği, 2005
Daha İyi Yargı Derneği, 2014
INTA, 2005
AIPPI, 2008
FICPI, 2014
ECTA, 2016

Yabancı Dil

